Like someone got a massive syringe and sucked all capacity for joy out of you?

Are you sat on the sidelines of your life wondering why everything just seems so fucking hard all of a sudden?

Sounds like you’re severely lacking in Midlife Mojo.

And who can blame you?

When you reach 40, the responsibilities start piling up even more.

Aging parents or relatives to care for.

Hormonal teenagers to contend with.

Or kids growing up and leaving home, leaving you wondering what the hell is the point of you anymore.

And as if that wasn’t enough, your own hormones start acting up, draining you of energy and motivation.

The only part of your body that’s working overtime is your brain, and it is NOT on your side. It chimes in on the daily with super helpful thoughts like

  • I’m such a moody bitch none of my friends will want to hang out with me
  • I feel and look like shit, maybe my partner will trade me in for a younger model
  • Maybe this is permanent? I’ll never be fun ever again.
  • I’ll never be healthy again, my body just doesn’t respond to all the shit I try, maybe I should just give up

I’m here to tell you, you’re NOT alone, and this is NOT permanent…

I’m going to help you take back control & RECLAIM YOUR MIDLIFE MOJO!

If you are:

  • feeling like your physical, mental & emotional health has taken a perimenopausal battering
  • sick of this shit (and your own) and ready to do something different
  • at zero energy to think clearly and make the right decisions
  • struggling to see how to just get fucking started

Then you need the…..

Food Ninja Reclaim Your Midlife Mojo Mission!

WTF is that?

It’s 7 habits over 28 days, some simple low effort actions designed to

  • make you feel that little bit better each day without the overwhelm
  • build a base of good habits that will keep you feeling anchored when everything else goes to shit
  • get forensic on those habits & tweaking them to fit your lifestyle so you can maintain them long after the 28 days

So if you want to:

  • Take back control of your body and mind, and discover the multitude of ways you can still be proactive with your health
  • Stop feeling confused and overwhelmed with all the bullshit advice out there
  • Find a way of eating and moving that you look forward to, rather than it feeling like a ball (or ovary 😉) ache
  • Have all the tools to manage your moods and stay calm and in control
  • Feel inspired by a kick-ass supportive community of women just like you, on your side every step of the way

Then you need to join us on Saturday 14th October. 

I’m here to lend you some of my Dojo Mojo 💁🏼‍♀️

Just til you find your own…you ready?

P.S: If you don’t wanna scroll to the bottom, the challenge costs just £195

NOT SURE if it's for you?? Here's what previous mojo challengers have said...

If you’re wondering what Reclaim Your Mojo will look like, here’s what you’ll get:

  • A new habit, with accompanying video introduced every 3 days
  • Sundays off to reflect and consolidate
  • A LIVE weekly coaching call with the group
  • A special BONUS training and challenge at the end, to give you purpose over the next few months
  • A private space in my members area to chat with your fellow challengers
  • Daily accountability & support, for the challenge & beyond

All done in a supportive community environment that breeds success!

Need more proof it works?

So... Who Is the Food Ninja?

…and why the fuck you should pay attention to anything I’ve got to say?

Let me start by saying this.

I never expected to be a Health Strategist (whatever the fuck that is)

You see, I spent years working in corporate offices as a project manager –  I was good at it, but fuck me was it ever boring?

The boredom, the rules and restrictions, and ultimately the stress had me using some pretty unhealthy coping mechanisms to get myself through the day.

Until I got sick of my own shit & decided I couldn’t carry on like that.

So I started doing CrossFit in an effort to sort myself out. And it turned out I was pretty good at lifting stuff, which was handy.

I became addicted (surprise surprise) to feeling good & also helping other people feel good too.

Being a bit (ok a lot) of a geek, I got right into health and fitness and did all sorts of qualifications to develop my skills further.

I realised that if I combined my project management skills with my new qualifications, I was able to effectively help other people. 

But there was a problem.

A big problem. You see, working as a project manager for massive corporate companies allows you to earn pretty good money.

And starting your own business in the fitness industry? 

Less so.

 A lot less so.

 But then I got the break I needed. Literally. 

 I Broke My Back!!!

Which meant I had no choice but to give up office life and look for other ways to earn a living.

Obviously, CrossFit was off the table as well for quite a long time, but I found I was able to help people with their nutrition from my sickbed, while off my face on morphine. 

And so the Food Ninja was born! 

Over time I realised that health was a whole lot more than what goes in your gob. 

It’s also about other factors such as sleep, stress, behaviours and environment, to name but a few. 

And so I threw myself into learning all about those to equip myself with a full arsenal of evidence-based Ninja weaponry that is now at your disposal (as well as over 10 years experience of helping people just like you be successful with their health).

I’m not your typical ‘nutritionist’.

I’m not a clean eating wanker, but neither am I an ‘If It Fits Your Macros, you can eat doughnuts all day and still lose weight’ type of wanker.

I don’t judge you from my ivory tower filled with macro-perfect Tupperware while posting pics of my abs to the ‘gram.

I’ve been through the mill with my health (including all the perimenopause fuckery) and I’m here to meet you wherever you are with yours.

 Let’s get started!

How Much?

“Ok Hayley, so how much is Reclaim Your Midlife Mojo then?”

This page is a no bullshit zone, so I’m just gonna jump right in & tell you the price without fannying around.

It costs just £195. 

Or just over £6 a day, for all the information, support and accountability you need to get your juicy mojo flowing again. 

What have you got to lose?