
Copywriter & Marketing Strategist, MoreBusinessBuzz
Cardigan, UK

Ninja Highlights...

⚖️ 8.5kg fat banished
📊 better productivity habits in her business
🛑 no more migraines or energy crashes

Tanya is another of my long-term success stories.

I finished working with her over a year ago now, and I checked in with her just before I published this to see how she’s getting on.

Now, before I give you any spoilers, let’s get the lowdown on how she felt just after we finished. 

If you’re unconvinced that improving your health will impact your business it’s definitely worth reading!

 “I’d seen a few fellow business owners talking about the kind of results they were achieving with Hayley, and what piqued my curiosity was that they didn’t seem to be following some sort of crazy ‘diet’ – and more importantly it seemed they could fit it in around running their business.

I have to confess I was very nervous when I first contacted Hayley about the possibility of working with her, in case she brushed off my concerns about being hungry, but she listened without judgement and said she could definitely help.

My main goal was to sort out my energy crashes, so that I could start doing more exercise, and feel more energetic. I said that losing weight would be a ‘bonus’.

I was convinced that because of my fear of being overly hungry, I would be the exception to Hayley’s success stories.

So much so that I set a very modest weight-loss goal. I actually had a bigger one in my head, but I didn’t tell Hayley, in case I failed to even achieve my initial smaller goal.

Under Hayley’s expert guidance I set about adjusting what I was eating. Happily it didn’t involve any strange ingredients, meals which the rest of the family couldn’t eat, or ever feeling like I was denying myself normal food.

Over the first few weeks we figured out what worked best for me – in terms of food, water, sleep, and exercise – and to my genuine surprise, I started to notice the results.

Firstly and most importantly, my energy crashes corrected themselves. No shaking with hunger, no feeling like a migraine might trigger, and no feeling like my blood sugars where on a roller-coaster anymore.

I was able to fit my steps in around my business, and I noticed that I was sleeping better too – all of which helped my mood, and again helped me feel more energetic.

At the end of our 12 weeks together I had lost three times the amount of weight I’d initially hoped to lose! 😲

The ‘Food Ninja’ way of eating has become my norm, and I’m happily continuing with my daily steps, and have added Spin classes to the mix as well.

The fat loss (8.5kgs of it), and improvement in my overall fitness gave me a real confidence boost.

And better still the biggest unexpected benefits have been in my business.

I feel more confident about showing up. I feel more focused when I’m working for my copywriting clients, and for going after my goals.

And the habits I learned through Hayley are now rippling out into better productivity habits in my business too.

If you’re a business owner, YOU are your biggest asset, and if you’re operating sub-par all the time it will always be a struggle to achieve what you want.

So if you want more energy and better health I recommend getting Hayley’s help!”

So, is Tanya still feeling the benefits nearly 18 months later? 

She told me she’s more or less the same weight (despite the global pandemic), and happy with where she is! 

She said…. 

“The good thing is if I want to drop a couple of pounds again I know exactly what to do. 

And I still get comments about the weight I lost so thank you’’ 

Imagine if 12 months from now you were your ideal weight & knew EXACTLY how to maintain it for the rest of your life?? 🏆

Tanya is proof that you can.

If you want total control over your health, find out how you can work with me here.